In 2017 while working with electrocorticographical (ECoG) data directly recorded from the human brain, I had ideas on how to apply some of our analysis methods beyond neural data. In my spare time, I was able to program (in MATLAB) a suite of programs to perform digital signal processing techniques on audio data to output fascinating multidimensional representations unlike anything myself or others I know of who has knowledge of this matter has seen before. If you have knowledge of this type of audio visualization and do not think it is novel, , please reach out to, we would love to hear from you regarding any topical research.
Presently, I am not in the position to divulge the logic of the algorithms underpinning the (atypical) processing methods, however, I am happy to create custom audio visualizations for anyone who is interested in purchasing a visualization of a song or audio-clip as either a digital file or made-to-order art-print. Please contact, with the subject header titled, "Custom audio visualization request" and you will receive further information.
To see what my custom visualizations look like, please browse the galleries below. Visit back as more visualizations will be posted in the future.